Profile of a Don Bosco Graduate
We, with support from their families, achieve development of all students to prepare them to continue to grow in the following areas upon graduation:
Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His Church
Academically by valuing current and lifelong learning
Physically by learning and accepting healthy living habits
Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others joyfully
We provide all students with a challenging overall experience with focus on developing the whole person. Upon graduation, graduates should be able to set goals and achieve balance in the following:
Spiritual Goals
Understand and appreciate the uniqueness and value of every person
Understand and appreciate the relevance of Scripture and prayer in their daily personal lives
Form opinions on moral issues with clarity using a Christian conscience and strong sense of social justice
Exhibit faith, leadership, and the principles of Christianity as taught by the Catholic Church
Further develop their personal relationship with God through prayer, liturgy, and a sacramental life
Academic Goals
Use effective skills to acquire knowledge
Utilize current technologies as a learning tool
Listen and communicate effectively, expressing ideas clearly through oral and written expression
Demonstrate a strong work ethic through organizational skills, study habits, and effective time management
Think critically and apply knowledge to seek understanding of new situations both independently and collaboratively
Recognize quality work and choose to pursue excellence by relying on self-discipline, initiative, creativity, and integrity
Physical Goals
Understand and appreciate the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Participate in regular physical activities
Get adequate daily rest
Maintain a healthy diet
Strive for a positive outlook on life
Daily time for self-reflection
Demonstrate initiative and perseverance
Social Goals
Interact successfully while treating everyone with respect (Think win-win)
Treat others with dignity, respect, and compassion by appreciating cultural, religious, and economic diversity
Accept responsibility for their actions
Act with compassion toward everyone including those less fortunate
Productively contribute to a local, national and global community
Use their gifts, talents, and blessings to be of service to others
Exhibit social responsibility, community service and promote the common good
Use technology responsibly to be a positive digital citizen